July 31, 2011

Best Gay News Magazine: Can I Marry My Cousin, As Long As He is GAY?

You may have seen two maps circling the web  last year.  But they have re-surfaced again as of lately.

Created, it appears, by The New York Times , the maps are a compelling point in the debate over same-sex marriage.

How is it that states that are perfectly comfortable with allowing first cousins to get hitched throw down the gauntlet over the same-sex variety?

It's  crazy! 

 in nearly every state in the Union, it’s perfectly okay for children as young as 15 to get married. In New Hampshire, you can be 13; South Carolina, 14, only requiring parental consent.

Not a single state requires that everyone getting married be 18, without exception. In Florida, not only can minors wed, but minors who have been married before don’t need their parents’ permission.

Many of these states, coincidentally, allow people below the minimum age to get married with certain qualifications met, usually getting permission from the court. In other words, the state gets to decide if children barely in their teens get married or not. The usual cause for such a request, of course, is if a teen gets pregnant.





Hmm, belum kelar satu permasalahan di seluruh dunia tentang sexuality equality, tapi banyak juga yang sudah menemukan kerikil kerikil yang sekiranya bakal menghadang di kemudian hari tentang permaslahan seksualitas ini.

Di beberapa negara di seluruh dunia sudah mulai dikumandangkan mengenai pernikahan sejenis, equality marriage for everybody. Dan saya pernah membaca tentang bagaimana apabila nantinya pemerataan kesempatan hak untuk menikah ini di"pelintirkan" oleh mereka mereka yang bias pemahaman tentang pernikahaannya lebih "unik" jika tidak dikata "aneh"???

Contoh aja artikel berikut ini, bener juga kan? Bisa aja kita suatu saat memilih untuk menikah dengan saudara sendiri (entah itu saudara dekat atau saudara kandung, entah dia gay, Lesbian, or whatever...

"Can I Marry my cousin? As long as He's Gay..."

Nah lo! Jujur saya aja pernah lo punya rasa dengan salah dua (kalau tidak salah tiga) dengan beberapa saudara laki laki saya.... Paman, sepupu yang notabene itu adalah rasa suka entah karena karisma nya, karena physical appearance, atau karena perhatiannya... Aduh, tapi jangan sampai deh jadi seperti quote itu, aneh!

Nah kalau sudah begitu, berarti pernikahan pedophilia juga bakal bisa diperjuangkan dong kedepannya? Hmmm..... kompleks yah (jadi bingung)

PS. Tapi saya sudah siap berumah tangga nih... Udah pengeeeen banget building a family with a man... (mungkin gak ya) >_____

Lombok hunk ~ Wawan

Nah, loncat sedikit ke seberang Bali, ada Wawan di Lombok. Masih karya dari photographer Benny Tong Photography :)

Oh ya, jangan berasumsi apapun tentang si model ini ya! Karena saya hanya mengambil dari internet, and just because I like the pic and posted on my blog, it doesn't mean anything about the model. Feel free to phantasies yet assume nothing but positive :) 

Bali own fitness model ~ Komang Arnawa

Nah kalau hasil jepretannya photographer Benny Tong Photography yang satu ini sih si doi memang salah satu binaragawan Indonesia. Bli Komang Arnawa ini kalo gak salah sudah lumayan sering wara wiri di teelvisi nasional untuk event binaragawan bareng Ade Rai. Wajahnya bali banget bli yang satu ini. :)

Oh ya, jangan berasumsi apapun tentang si model ini ya! Karena saya hanya mengambil dari internet, and just because I like the pic and posted on my blog, it doesn't mean anything about the model. Feel free to phantasies yet assume nothing but positive :) 

How to eliminate homophobic atmosphere? Start from ourselves, stop that pretentious homophobic from discreet gay people. We've got big homework to do guys!


July 30, 2011

SepociKopi » Ortu Taiwan Mendukung Pendidikan Homoseksual di SD dan SMP

Berita dari: The China Post

9 Juli 2011: Asosiasi Orangtua Gay dan Lesbian Taiwan mendukung keputusan Menteri Pendidikan Taiwan yang akan memasukkan pendidikan homoseksual dalam kurikulum SD dan SMP di bulan September 2011 mendatang. Dukungan ini mengalir setelah keputusan tersebut dikritik oleh para ahli hukum beserta gerakan guru/orangtua yang mengatakan bahwa tindakan tersebut tidak cocok diberikan kepada anak-anak.

“Aku percaya sangat penting bagi sekolah-sekolah untuk memberikan pengetahuan dan ajaran kepada generasi selanjutnya agar mereka mengenal kesamaan gender saat mereka masih muda. Ketiadaan pengertian kepada orang yang memiliki orientasi seksual yang berbeda inilah yang melahirkan diskriminasi,” demikian pendapat seorang ibu, anggota organisasi Loving Parent of LGBT di Taiwan.

Sebagai seorang ibu dari anak lesbian, dia mengenang saat anak perempuannya menjadi korban olok-olok dan ejekan (bullying) karena orientasi seksualnya sejak SD. Di benua Asia, Taiwan adalah salah satu negara mapan gay-friendly yang memberikan perhatian penuh kepada warganegaranya yang memiliki orientasi seksual sesama jenis.

Berita selengkapnya:

By: Joseph Yeh

A local gay and lesbian parents association yesterday voiced its support of the Ministry of Education (MOE)’s decision to include homosexual issues on curriculums for local elementary and junior high schools.

Their support came after the policy to be launched in August was criticized by some lawmakers and parent and teacher groups who jointly accused the move as inappropriate for children at a young age.

“I believe it is necessary for schools to teach our younger generation to understand gender equality as early as possible, since it is because of a lack of understanding between people of different sexual orientations that causes discrimination,” said one mother, surnamed Kuo, a member of the newly-founded Loving Parents of LGBT (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transgender), Taiwan.

As a mother of a lesbian daughter, Kuo recalled that her daughter had been a victim of bullying for her sexual orientation since elementary school.

She therefore backs up the MOE’s decision to put gay and lesbian issues in textbooks, saying the move will be able to teach students to respect and accept people of different sexuality.

Accompanied by opposition lawmakers during a press conference yesterday, Kuo also noted that according to survey, about one-tenth of all Taiwanese people are homosexuals, which equals to around 2.3 million in the country.

The huge number constituting a great portion of the total population makes understanding these people an issue of primary importance for all, she noted.

Wang Ming-chih, a counseling psychologist at National Taipei University of Education, who joined Kuo in the press conference, noted that the American Psychiatric Association (APA) had removed homosexuality as a mental disorder from the psychiatric manual as early as 1973.

The APA also states that sexual orientation is not a conscious choice that can be voluntarily changed, he said. But many Taiwanese still fail to understand the point, he noted.

They jointly urged the public to support the educational policy, which can promote social harmony and further dialogues between people with different sexual preferences.

@SepociKopi, 2011

Apa ya jadinya kalau pendidikan mengenai keberagaman seksualitas diaplikasikan di Indonesia? Apa mungkin? Apa mungkin juga dilakukan di Bali?

Tapi, jika Taiwan dengan budaya Asia nya yang juga kental saja bisa, why can't Indonesia?

July 29, 2011

Bali Hunk ~ Deva Parwa

Masih hasil karya photographer Benny Tong Photography. Kali ini gilirannya Deva Parwa, hmmm kelihatannya masih lumayan muda yah... nice ^____^

Oh ya, jangan berasumsi apapun tentang si model ini ya! Karena saya hanya mengambil dari internet, and just because I like the pic and posted on my blog, it doesn't mean anything about the model. Feel free to phantasies yet assume nothing but positive :) 

July 28, 2011

Bali hunk ~ Made

Nemu Balinese hot pic lagi, kali ini masih hasil karya photographer Benny Tong Photography. He is Made (errr couldn't get his complete name).

Oh ya, jangan berasumsi apapun tentang si model ini ya! Karena saya hanya mengambil dari internet, and just because I like the pic and posted on my blog, it doesn't mean anything about the model. Feel free to phantasies yet assume nothing but positive :) 

Hari ini piodalan di Pura Dalem. Alangkah senangnya kalau aku bisa sembahyang bareng ke pura dengan seorang pacar :(


July 26, 2011

Fitness model from Bali - I Ketut Arnawa

Kemarin nemu blog artikel dari Hot Asian Guys tentang seorang fitness model dari Bali, yep, I Ketut Arnawa. Selain pernah memenangkan kampiun binaraga di tingkat Nasional, bli bagus yang satu ini juga menjadi model komersil. Ini hasil karya photographer Benny Tong Photography. Isn't he gorgeous?? >___< Ouch!

Oh ya, jangan berasumsi apapun tentang si model ini ya! Karena saya hanya mengambil dari internet, and just because I like the pic and posted on my blog, it doesn't mean anything about the model. Feel free to phantasies yet assume nothing but positive :)  

July 18, 2011















Romantic kiss on warm tube (hmmphhh… so nice)

You are so gorgeous...


Geregetan... ugh


LILY ALLEN LYRICS - Fuck You (Very Much)

"Fuck You (Very Much)"

Look inside
Look inside your tiny mind
Now look a bit harder
Cause we're so uninspired, so sick and tired of all the hatred you harbor

So you say
It's not okay to be gay
Well I think you're just evil
You're just some racist who can't tie my laces
Your point of view is medieval

Fuck you
Fuck you very, very much
Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So please don't stay in touch

Fuck you
Fuck you very, very much
Cause your words don't translate
And it's getting quite late
So please don't stay in touch

Do you get
Do you get a little kick out of being slow minded?
You want to be like your father
It's approval you're after
Well that's not how you find it

Do you
Do you really enjoy living a life that's so hateful?
Cause there's a hole where your soul should be
Your losing control of it and it's really distasteful

Fuck you
Fuck you very, very much
Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So please don't stay in touch

Fuck you
Fuck you very, very much
Cause your words don't translate and it's getting quite late
So please don't stay in touch

Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you,
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you,
Fuck you

You say, you think we need to go to war
Well you're already in one,
Cause its people like you
That need to get slew
No one wants your opinion

Fuck you
Fuck you very, very much
Cause we hate what you do
And we hate your whole crew
So please don't stay in touch

Fuck you
Fuck you very, very much
Cause your words don't translate and it's getting quite late
So please don't stay in touch

Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you
Fuck you, fuck you, fuck you

July 17, 2011

Atman yang terpisah saat reinkarnasi pengaruhi orientasi seksual

Setelah sebelumnya nulis tentang rangkuman seorang dokter mengenai bagaimana seseorang tersebut bisa terlahir dengan memiliki kecenderungan orientasi seksual yang berbeda, saya jadi teringat mengenai topik yang sama dari sisi spiritual saat keluarga kami dulu "melukat" (pembersihan diri) di rumah seorang balian.

Yang buat saya teringat kembali mengenai apa yang balian tersebut katakan adalah karena apa yang ia katakan saat itu teorinya terdengar sangat unik dan menarik, seolah dia sedang membaca pikiran saya. Bahwa being gay or lesbian itu adalah salah satunya karena faktor "punarbhawa" atau kelahiran kembali (reincarnation).

July 14, 2011

Gen & Hormon berkata: semua orientasi seksual itu normal normal saja koq (what a relieve!)

"Mengapa aku bisa menjadi Gay?"

Mengapa, mungkin pertanyaan itu kerap kali ditanyakan bagi kita yang sudah mulai merasakan ada "sesuatu" dalam diri that urging to come out and just doesn't fit with the scenario that the society has made.

Ada yang bilang teori genetik, keturunan, faktor lingkungan, trauma masa kecil, bahkan banyak yang juga percaya kjarena diguna gunai, atau setanlah atau apalah..

Ada satu perbincangan di twitter yang dikemukakan oleh seorang dokter di Indonesia yang sempat saya rekam dan rangkum menjadi tulisan mengenai mengapa sesorang bisa memiliki kecenderungan seksual Gay atau Lesbian.

Yang membuat saya tercerahkan dari pendapat beliau adalah bahwa pada intinya kecenderungan seksual tersebut bukanlah suatu oenyakit, melainkan hanyalah sebuah variasi genetik dan hormonal pra-kelahiran. Jadi sebenarnya semua normal normal saja.